Community Calendar
St Arnaud Community Action Network (SCAN) and St Arnaud Neighbourhood House partner to produce a bi-monthly Community Calendar that advertises local community groups and events in a handy mini-booklet. It includes a pull-out two-month A3 wall calendar.
The calendar provides a way for all residents, but especially those who are less-connected or lonely, to discover a local group or event that meets their interests while connecting with other locals. It also has information on support groups and services that can assist people who are feeling disconnected.
Past supporters of the Community Calendar include the Bulgana Green Power Hub Community Grants Program 2019, and the Northern Grampians Shire. This project is currently supported by the Bendigo Bank.
To advertise your community group or event (from St Arnaud, Emu, Stuart Mill and other local areas) please e-mail scanscalendar@gmail.com and we will reply back with the submission form.
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