Meeting Space
It is a sad but inevitable fact of life that as we get older, our friends and partners pass away or relocate, and we tend to withdraw from the community, creating issues with loneliness and feelings of a lack of purpose.
The Men's Shed aims to counter this trend by providing a welcoming and accessible meeting space for retired men, where they can discuss issues they are having, learn or teach skills, and gain a sense of usefulness and purpose by contributing to the community in varied ways, increasing their social wellbeing and ensuring they stay connected.
Community Building and Repairs
Can the St Arnaud Mens Shed help you?
The St Arnaud Men's Shed is a resource for individuals in the community who require woodworking, metalwork, building work, or repairs, where such skills are unavailable commercially in the area. A donation is requested and this can be discussed beforehand with the Men of the Shed.
Some of the services the Men's Shed is able to provide include:
Repairs to furniture and wood toys
Handyman skills
If you require assistance or know someone who does, please visit the shed or contact us via e-mail at starnaudmensshed@gmail.com
Kindling sales
We have quality, affordable, bagged kindling available for purchase!
The price is just $5 for a 5kg bag of kindling - great value!
Please drop in to the shed to inspect and buy.
Members of the St Arnaud Men's Shed are retired men who are keen to teach, learn, or otherwise assist the community, and who are looking for a space where they can talk and meet others.
Membership is $25/year and all enquiries should be directed to the staff at the Shed, or by e-mail at starnaudmensshed@gmail.com
Opening Hours
9 AM - 5 PM
9 AM - 5 PM